Simon Sinek: The Infinite Game

Simon Sinek is presenting his latest insights on The Infinite Game. Simon explains how adopting an infinite mindset is necessary for leaders who want to build stronger, more innovative and more inspiring organizations.

Long and worth seeing. Enjoy!

You may want to see a shorter version on the Home Page.

Janine Shepherd: A broken body isn't a broken person

This a simple prove for how strong the human spirit could be. It is moving, it is stunning. If you had a bad day - this is the video that will recharge your batteries, make you stronger and inspire you to move forward. Enjoy it! After all it is only 19 minutes and may S.N. Goenka say: "It is a wise way to spend 19 valuable minutes from your invaluable life." ;).

Every kid needs a champion | Rita Pierson

I can watch this video endlessly, over and over again. It says stuff that should be thru for every teacher, but unfortunately it is not the reality we leave in. Now I understand that I was blessed to have teachers like this in my life.

Rita Pierson, a teacher for 40 years, once heard a colleague say, "They don't pay me to like the kids." Her response: "Kids don't learn from people they don't like.'" A rousing call to educators to believe in their students and actually connect with them on a real, human, personal level.

Simon Sinek: Why Leaders Eat Last

Incredible educative video! Who is the true lieder? Without doubt I can guarantee you 100%, you will never sorry that you spent 45 minutes watching this speach.

The secret of self motivation | Mel Robbins

The secret of self motivation One of the best speeches Ever (Mel Robbins) Melanie "Mel" Robbins coach, motivational speaker. is a powerhouse speaker with one of the top 20 TEDx talks in the world. Robbins is best known for covering George Zimmermann's experience and his book the 5 second rule. The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal, apply the 5 second rule.

Living beyond limits | Amy Purdy

Amy Purdy talks about the power of imagination. She explains how our lives are not determined by what happens to us, but by the choices we make. Imagination allows us to break down borders, to move beyond our circumstances, to create and constantly progress.

How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek presents a simple but powerful model for how leaders inspire action, starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers -- and as a counterpoint Tivo, which (until a recent court victory that tripled its stock price) appeared to be struggling.

The opportunity of adversity | Aimee Mullins

The thesaurus might equate "disabled" with synonyms like "useless" and "mutilated," but ground-breaking runner Aimee Mullins is out to redefine the word. Defying these associations, she hows how adversity -- in her case, being born without shinbones -- actually opens the door for human potential.

This is Why You Don't SUCCEED - One of the Best Motivational Speeches Ever | Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek speaking about Millennials in the workplace of today, and social media addiction. It is one of the best speech that I’ve ever heard.